City of Center EDC Board of Directors Agenda, Oct. 27

October 24, 2023 - The City of Center Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors will meet in a regular meeting on Friday, October 27, 2023, 12:00PM at Center City Hall office located at 617 Tenaha Street, Center, Texas.

The following items are on the agenda for appropriate action:

I. Call to Order and Welcome Guests

II. Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting of July 7, 2023

III. Board Vacancy

IV. Action Items

A. Consideration and Approval of FY2024 Budget

V. Discussion Items

Business Assistance/ Performance Agreement

B. Portacool
C. Viatrac
D. Foster St. Overlay District
E. Innova

VI. Executive Session — Consider entering Executive Session as authorized in Chapter 551 of the Texas Local Government Code Subchapter D with possible action related thereto upon reconvening into open session.

Section 551. 071 — Consultation with Attorney
Section 551. 072 — Deliberation Regarding Real Property
Section 551. 087 — Deliberation Regarding Economic Development Negotiations

VII. Adjournment