David's Daily Devotion for May 14

May 14, 2024 - Good Morning! It's Tuesday, May 14.

There are certain moments in life that carry a powerful resonance. A graduation ceremony is one of those moments, and it's graduation season once again! But this year we hear of the many colleges that are cancelling their ceremonies because of campus unrest. I feel sorry for those young people, many of whom finished high school in May of 2020 and saw those graduations cancelled because of Covid. That just doesn't seem fair.

Weddings and funerals also qualify as memorable and powerful life moments. I was talking to a local funeral director the other day and he shared some disturbing stories of services that had been ruined because of conflict, sometimes physical, within grieving families. I've witnessed a few of those myself. And over the years I've seen a few wedding train wrecks, too. I remember one in particular where I played piano for the service. Actually the family asked me to start playing a half hour before the wedding, as guests came into the church. That's pretty standard. But when it came time to begin the ceremony, nothing happened. No bridesmaids, no groomsmen, no flower girl. So, I just kept on playing... for another hour! It turned out that the grandmother of the bride was unhappy about something and refused to come to the church until she got her way. That was a moment to remember, or maybe one that everyone tried to forget.

Powerful, resonant moments in life. They're powerful. But sometimes we allow petty things to disrupt those moments and we miss a blessing. Does God have a memorable moment planned for you today? Watch for it. Listen for it. Be ready. It might never come again.

Meet you back here tomorrow,
Bro. David