Elections Administrator Explains "How to Know Your Voting Precinct"

May 15, 2024 - Shelby County Elections Administor Nancy Adams shares information on understanding your voter's registration card and how to know which voting precinct you are located.

"I have recently spoken with a few voters who don't understand where they are supposed to vote for the May 28 run-off election. We have consolidated the voting precinct locations to just seven, because there is no need to have all 14 precincts open that day," shared Adams. "One of the voters I spoke with thought she was in precinct 2 because her commissioner, justice of the peace and constable are all precinct 2. However, she actually votes in precinct 6, because she LIVES in that precinct."

The below information is to help voters better understand about precincts and voting. As always, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Nancy Adams office at 936-598-5340 or 936-234-2147.

Left Side of Card

  • VUID - your unique voter ID number
  • Precinct No - this is your voting precinct, which is based on your residential address, NOT your mailing address. The number (and letter) in this box indicates the polling location where you will vote on election day.

Right Side of Card

The first three boxes on the top are the district numbers of your U.S. representative, state representative and state senator.

  • COMM - this is your county commissioner precinct - there are only 4 precincts for commissioners - nothing to do with your voting location
  • JP - this is your justice of the peace and constable precinct - there are 5 of these precincts - nothing to do with your voting location
  • SCHOOL - this represents which school district you are in, as follows: SH30 - Center; SH31 - Joaquin; SH32 - Shelbyville; SH33 - Tenaha; SH34 - Timpson; SH35 - Excelsior; SH36 - San Augustine
  • SBE - State Board of Education
  • CITY - if you are in the city limits where you live, there will be a CY number here, as follows: CY10 - Center; CY11 - Joaquin; CY12 - Tenaha; CY13 - Timpson; CY14 - Huxley
  • SMCITY - this represents the City of Center districts

Click here to view the 2024 May 28 Runoff Primary Election polling locations.