Commissioners Give Support of Men's Health Week in Shelby County

June 11, 2024 - The Shelby County Commissioners’ Court met June 5, 2024, and declared June 10, 2024 - June 16, 2024, as Men’s Health Week in Shelby County.

Men's Health Month began in 1994 with the Congressional passage of Men's Health Week, sponsored by Senator Bob Dole (KS) and Congressman Bill Richardson (NM). Men's Health Week was signed by President Clinton, and became Public Law 103-264 on May 31, 1994.

The proclamation reads as follows:
Whereas Men's Health Month is part of an ongoing international effort to educate men, boys, and their families about receiving regular disease prevention screenings and living healthier life styles; and

Whereas Nationwide, life expectancy for men averages five years fewer than that of women, with men experiencing higher rates of health problems such as diabetes, obesity, cancer, heart disease, and premature mortality; and,

Whereas The Covid-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on men's health in the United States, dropping men's life expectancy by two years; and,

Whereas Men's Health Month is a time for the public to recognize the mental and physical health needs of men and boys while encouraging fathers to be role models for their children through preventive health screening, healthy living and seeking needed help; and

Whereas The growing epidemic of suicide and substance abuse requires special effort to raise awareness of unrecognized and undiagnosed depression and mental stress in boys and men; and

Whereas The centerpiece of Men's Health Month is National Men's Health Week, a special awareness period passed by Congress and signed into law by President Bill Clinton on May 31, 1994.

Now, therefore be it resolved that we, the Commissioners Court of Shelby County, do hereby proclaim the week of June 10 through June 16 as Men's Health Week in Shelby County.

The commissioners considered the proclamation and Roscoe McSwain, Commissioner Precinct 1, moved to approve the proclamation and Stevie Smith, Commissioner Precinct 2, seconded the motion.

When the commissioners considered the payment of weekly expenses Ann Blackwell, County Treasurer, indicated there were two bills not included because she didn’t know from where the funds were to be paid from. 

The expenses were for the new Precinct 3 barn and she said she was awaiting clarification from the GrantWorks representative, Jessica Johnstone, on how to pay for the expenses. one bill was from Darrell Alford for welding in the amount of $728 and plumbing supplies from Borders Poultry Supply in the amount of $1628.78.

The commissioners moved to approve the weekly expenses with the inclusion of the two additional Blackwell informed them about with Commissioner Smith moving to pay the bills and Commissioner Tom Bellmyer seconding the motion. The motion carried.

Nancy Adams, Elections Administrator, updated the court on the recent runoff election stating that it went pretty well. Judge Allison Harbison inquired if anyone lost electricity during the day while the runoff was ongoing and Adams confirmed a location in Shelbyville lost power for a couple of hours, but the machines have a battery backup that runs for around four hours, and the power returned before that power was depleted.

Judge Harbison remarked that out of 16,087 registered voters 1,953 voted to which Adams commented was sad and Judge Harbison agreed it was not good.

the meeting was adjourned at 9:46am.

Agenda items approved during the meeting include:
1. Approve and pay weekly expenses.
2. Current payroll.
3. Adopt a Proclamation declaring June 10th – June 16th as Men’s Health Week in Shelby County.
4. Adjourn.

Agenda items tabled during the meeting include:
1. Donation of a 2017 Dodge Truck for Constable Pct. 5.
2. Estimate for the additions to the 2017 Dodge Truck.