Submitted by Tim Perkins

Across the Preacher’s Desk: A Solution To Life’s Problems

June 27, 2024 - Have you ever noticed how complicated some folks want to make religion? We live in a world of problems. Preachers even spend a lot of time pointing out the problems of our time. Yet, the world is not asking for an elaboration on the problems, rather the world is seeking solutions to those problems.

It sometimes reminds me of the accident study conducted about accidents in the home. When it was revealed that 90% of all accidents occurred either at the top or bottom of the stairs, the computer solution was to remove the top and bottom step.

Across the Preacher’s Desk: A Solution To Life Problems

June 20, 2024 - Have you ever noticed how complicated some folks want to make religion?  We live in a world of problems.  Preachers even spend a lot of time pointing out the problems of our time.  Yet, the world is not asking for an elaboration on the problems, rather the world is seeking solutions to those problems.

It sometimes reminds me of the accident study conducted about accidents in the home.  When it was revealed that 90% of all accidents occurred either at the top or bottom of the stairs, the computer solution was to remove the top and bottom step.

Across the Preacher’s Desk: Father's Day

June 13, 2024 - This coming Sunday is the day set aside as “Father’s Day.” The day we honor our earthly fathers. With that in mind, I thought the following poem was appropriate. I don’t know who wrote it, I am assuming it was written by that prolific author known as “anonymous.”

I go through life most carefully
For a little fellow follows me.
I do not dare to go astray
For fear he’ll go the self-same way.

Across the Preacher’s Desk: The Light of The World

June 6, 2024 - With the storms of the past week, we have all seen what it like when the lights go out. We are accustomed to the darkness of night, and yet, there is always some light even then. The light from the street lights or security lights filters through the window, there is the light from the digital clock and the lights on the other various appliances that are plugged in. Then, many times we have a “night-light” of some fashion that burns during the night. Yet, when the power completely fails, we are plunged into a black darkness we are not accustomed to.


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