“It's Not in the Dictionary” by Neal Murphy

August 27, 2021 - The computer age has thrown me for a loop.  I made better grades in school with my courses that involved words and their meaning.  This has continued into my adulthood. I purchased a rather large Webster's dictionary many years ago. It is large, containing two volumes with thousands of words therein.  Anytime that I need to find the correct spelling of a word, I consult it.  I have used it for many years.

I read somewhere that when Noah Webster was newly married, his wife would often look him in the eye and exclaim, “Now, just what did you mean by that?”  Therefore, he began writing down just what the word meant.

Fast-forward to the computer world that we live in now.  I am aghast at the new “four-letter” words that surround us on our television and computer world.  There are many “four-letter” words that do not make a lick of sense at first glance, i.e.  ETSY – (handmade stuff), G02B (on-line bank), U-BOX, (moving and storage), INTUIT, (financial software), ZIWE, (an American comedian), GILT, (on-line shopping web), NOOM, (app for tracking food intake), ETHOS, (life insurance), ZELLE, (digital payment network), VIRTUAL WALLET, (online bank), TRULY, (hand seltzer) and AXS, (digital marketing for tickets).

These are just a sampling of the weird names that the users of the on-line world have fostered upon us older citizens.  Some say that the words are interesting and innovative.  Maybe so.  However, one will not find any of them in my trusty Noah Webster dictionary.  If it is not there, it is not a legitimate word, period!

I read on-line that very recently a total of 520 new words have been included in the current issue of the Noah Webster dictionary.  Perhaps the above listed words are now included.  Maybe it is time that I purchase a new dictionary....or, maybe I should just consult my “smart phone” for the answer.  But, I do not own a “smart phone”.  I have been hesitant to purchase an inanimate object that is smarter that I am.  My wife says that would be a good thing.  What do you think?