Submitted by Neal Murphy

Fender Skirts

May 31, 2024 - I haven’t thought of fender skirts in years until recently. I was examining a few items in my toy car collection when I looked at my 1955 Chevrolet Bel Air which had rear fender skirts. I always liked the look on most of the 1940 and 1950 model cars which sported the skirts.

"Diddler on the Roof" by Neal Murphy

March 30, 2024 - The phone call was received around dusk that summer afternoon in 1963. The caller was a neighbor who explained to my wife, Clara, that she was looking at a man on the roof of our house. I was watching television when my wife ran into the living room and announced that there was a man on top of our house. “What?”, I questioned, “someone on our roof?” All kinds of questions popped into my mind. This was our newly purchased house and why would someone want to get on my roof?

“Made from Scratch” by Neal Murphy

March 21, 2024 - I have often stated that I wish I knew what “scratch” was because I keep hearing people say that they made something from “scratch.” If I knew what it was I could bundle it, can it, or bottle it for sale and make a lot of money. I hear the term “made from scratch” mostly in the world of cooking, as women say with pride that they made that wonderful cake from scratch.

“So, You’re Left-Handed” By Neal Murphy

March 15, 2024 - About 10% of the population is left-handed. Our daughter is left-handed even though both of her parents are right-handed. So, what happened? Is being born with the dominant hand being the left one blamed on genetics?

Lefties have had a tough time over the centuries overcoming their “handicap.” Beginning at the time of the Industrial Revolution, workers needed to operate complex machines that were almost certainly designed with right-handers in mind. This would make the leftie appear less capable and clumsier.

“A Tinker's Dam” by Neal Murphy

March 7, 2024 - I was watching the Dr. Phil show the other day when he made a statement that I had not heard in a long time. He told one of his guests that he didn’t “care a tinker’s damn about that”. That comment prompted me to delve into that old saying as to its real or intended meaning. The meaning in today’s society is “something that is insignificant or worthless”. However, the saying has more than that one meaning.

“The Christmas Song That Almost Wasn’t” by Neal Murphy

December 12, 2023 - Many secular Christmas songs have been written over the years, some successful, but most never made it to the big time. The second most popular song behind Bing Crosby’s "White Christmas" almost didn’t get recorded. Had it not been for Gene Autry’s wife, Ina, the little song may have languished for lack of attention and faded away into the trash can of history.

“Is It a Violin or a Fiddle?” by Neal Murphy

July 10, 2023 - So, what is the difference between this musical instrument of four strings called either a violin or a fiddle?  They appear to be identical in physical appearance, and they sound the same regardless of whether being played by a male or female, professional musician, or an amateur.  There is a musician’s joke that appears to give us a clue to the question.

Question:  “What’s the difference between a fiddle and a violin?”
Answer: “You don’t spill beer on a violin.”


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