Submitted by Neal Murphy

"Chickens, Eggs, And Other Nonsense” by Neal Murphy

October 23, 2020 - The lowly chicken has provoked a number of interesting questions in the past, such as: Why did the chicken cross the road, and which came first – the chicken or the egg? These two questions have been pondered for many years, and every person must come to their own personal conclusion. I have decided that the real reason that the chicken crossed the road was because she wanted to get to the other side. Others have stated that she crossed the road to prove to armadillos that it COULD be done.

The Model Home by Neal Murphy

August 27, 2020 - I need to make this perfectly clear at the outset, I did not play with dolls or doll houses when I was a young boy. However, when I was in the sixth grade at San Augustine, Texas Junior High, our homeroom teacher decided that we needed a class project to work on during the semester. Mrs. Dan Lowe decided that our class should build a doll house, or a model home. So, she drew up some plans, much like an architect would do.

The Ditch Nurse by Neal Murphy

August 18, 2020 - Every neighborhood needs a nurse, a woman who is always there to doctor the kids’ skinned knees, insect bites, minor cuts, and abrasions that are a part of life in the ‘hood’. When our family lived in Houston, Texas in the early 1970s, a Mrs. Whatley performed this activity in the Westbury neighborhood in which we lived. Through this “asphalt jungle” snaked a drainage ditch which attracted kids of all ages. My pre-teen son, Doug, loved to play with his buddies in this drainage ditch.

The Burglary by Neal Murphy

August 7, 2020 - “Cecil, I think someone is in our house!” my mother exclaimed as dad drove our 1941 Chevrolet into the driveway to our house. It was dusk on a summer day in 1946. I was ten years old at the time, and we were returning from an exhausting road trip to Los Angeles, California. My brother, Richard, who was stationed at the naval base in San Diego, had been quite ill, and we had made a hasty trip to check on him. Now we were back in San Augustine, Texas, our home, but things did not look quite right.

The Pay Telephone by Neal Murphy

July 31, 2020 - Teenagers today don’t know much about pay telephones. They have telephones in their room at home, and cell phones to take with them everywhere they go. They are never without the means of communicating with their friends. It was not that way when I was in college in the mid 1950s. Dial phones were relatively new, and a cell phone was just something in the mind of the writer of Dick Tracy. The pay telephone was about the only means of communicating with friends, family, and significant others during my stint in a boarding house near the campus of Stephen F.

The Addiction by Neal Murphy

July 23, 2020 - I suppose than anyone can get addicted to anything. People get addicted to alcohol, drugs, shopping, and all kinds of other things. My addiction happens to be to popcorn.

It started at an early age. My parents used to popcorn in a deep skillet with a lid. They usually put a bit of butter in with the oil and shake the skillet until the corn was all popped, except for a few “old maids.” I got addicted to that wonderfully tasting corn which has lasted a lifetime.


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