Submitted by Neal Murphy

“Red Necks and Good Ole Boys” by Neal Murphy

March 25, 2021 - East Texas is an area of the country in which “red necks” and “good ole boys” live, along with most of the deep southern states. I know some of them and I suspect that you do as well. Most people think that the “red necks” and the “good ole boys” are one in the same. They are mistaken as there are notable differences. I will list a few of the differences here.

“Locked In” by Neal Murphy

February 26, 2021 - My partner and I were on patrol that summer evening in 1973. We were checking on events in the northern part of Harris County and strangely, things were rather quiet. We turned East on FM525, which we routinely identified as “five and a quarter” when talking on the police radio. We were having some difficulty with our radio as it would go off and back on. My partner, the driver, decided that we were suffering from a loose connection at the base of the radio unit which was located in the trunk of the car.

“The Die Date” by Neal Murphy

January 14, 2021 - We all know that someday we will die. Our journey on this earth will be over. God chose not to reveal the date of our death to each of us, which is a good thing. There is an interesting verse in the New Testament book of Hebrews, written by the Apostle Paul, that touches on the subject of death. It reads as follows, “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment."

"Accidental Witness" by Neal Murphy

January 3, 2021 - The old car in front of us was weaving in and out of traffic dangerously, and the occupants, a male and a female, appeared to be fighting each other. My partner, who was driving the patrol car, decided to conduct a traffic stop on the vehicle to see what was going on.

It was in the early 1970s, and we were on patrol for the Harris County Sheriff Department, which is Houston, Texas. The traffic stop was on the East Texas Freeway around midnight on a hot summer night. The vehicle promptly pulled over to the shoulder of the freeway and stopped.

"Hoppin' John and Limpin' Susan" by Neal Murphy

December 28, 2020 - Another New Year’s Day is upon us and, as Southerners, we will be eating the symbolic meal of Hoppin’ John to assure a happy and prosperous new year filled with good luck. Most of you are familiar with the dish usually made with black-eyed peas (Texas Caviar), rice, chopped onion, and sliced bacon, all seasoned with a bit of salt. This dish has an interesting history.

The Wedding Rings by Neal Murphy

November 13, 2020 - It was Mother's Day afternoon in 1970 and my wife and I were playing with our son and daughter in our front yard. We were tossing a football around, and my wife fell while trying to make a circus catch. It was obvious that her left hand was broken, and medical attention was called for. We prepared for a trip down to the medical center in Houston, Texas, particularly Methodist Hospital, located on Fannin Street.

White Lightning by Neal Murphy

October 30, 2020 - I grew up in the part of Texas that was notorious for its moonshine distillers. In fact, while in college in 1955, my roommate was the son of a family known for their moonshine making. I had never encountered real moonshine until *Jim began bringing a gallon of the stuff to our boarding house every Sunday afternoon. It would last our residents an entire week.


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