Submitted by Neal Murphy

"The BB Gun" by Neal Murphy

December 9, 2022 - In the late 1960s, our family lived in Houston, Texas. It was about a three-and-a-half drive north to our parent’s home in San Augustine. Christmastime was always a hectic time for all of us. My parents lived about twenty miles away from my wife’s parents. We, therefore, had to share time with both sets of grandparents when we would make the drive up north.

"Patsy, The Patsy" by Neal Murphy

October 31, 2022 - Jobs were hard to find in 1958, the year I was married. I was classified “1A” by the Selective Service System, which meant that I was facing being drafted into the army. No company wanted to hire me, only to have me leave within a year. After spending three months in the Golden Triangle area of Beaumont, Orange, and Port Arthur without finding work, my new bride and I decided to move back home and await the inevitable “Greetings” letter from Uncle Sam.

“The Bug Letter” by Neal Murphy

October 7, 2022 - Everyone has received one from a large company at one time or another.  They are very easy to identify for they have certain characteristics regardless of the topic.

I recently complained to my cable TV company because the signal was constantly going out.  In fact, cable service was down for three consecutive days.  Based upon the monthly premium that I pay for this service, it should be mirror-clear 100% of the time.

"Attack of the Gerbil" by Neal Murphy

September 21, 2022 - Around 1965 a new store opened in the Meyerland area of Houston, Texas near where we lived. It was a new kind of store, a forerunner of K-Mart or Wal-Mart. It was a “Sage” store, massive in size, and contained most anything any shopper would need. The only thing different was that you had to “join” the club in order to shop there. I recall the price was somewhere around $15.00 per year for the privilege to shop, and you had to show your ID card in order to enter.

“Dope On A Rope” by Neal Murphy

September 1, 2022 - I still have a scar on my left knee caused by a football injury, although I was not playing football at the time. How could that have happened, you may ask. Well, here’s how.

When my son, Doug, was around eight years old in the late 1960s, he enrolled in the F.U.N. football league in Houston, Texas. There were a number of different teams and Doug ended up on the Cougars team. The boys played their games in a very nice football stadium which resembled a smaller version of Rice University stadium.

“The Big Chief”

August 5, 2022 - It seems that the cost of going to elementary school in going up in a big way. I note that parents of these young students receive a list of necessary items the student will need from the school just to get started on day one of classes. One harried mother told me that the items cost her almost one hundred dollars from a major discount store for her third grade son.


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