Submitted by Neal Murphy

“My First Job” by Neal Murphy

February 14, 2020 - Every time I go into our high school football stadium here in the piney woods of East Texas, I always take a glance to the northeast and let my memory take a short stroll. Though torn down many years ago, there once stood a rather large baseball grandstand, rustic, yet functional. During the 1940s and early 1950s many a baseball game was played on that diamond.

The proud San Augustine, TX Wolves fought “tooth and toenail” with teams from neighboring towns.

"The American Express Card" by Neal Murphy

December 27, 2019 - In 1967 I was employed by the Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company when living in Houston, Texas. Although it was a very large company, it was bought out by the American Express Company. Soon thereafter all we employees were presented with an American Express credit card. I had always wanted one of these cards, but they were expensive to purchase. Now, I had one for free. I have carried and used it since that day in 1969.

Christmas Piano Recital to be Presented

December 13, 2019 - Clara Murphy will present her students in a Christmas Piano Recital on Tuesday, December 17, 2019 at 7 p.m. at First Baptist Church in San Augustine.
Participating students are: Ti’Asia Burrell, Kambree Parker, Jakajsa Clark, ViSiscily Caraway, Myah Gay, Kayla Sowell, Amelia Gay, Grace McReynolds, Lake McDaniel,  A’Nesiya Burrell, Bonnie Consford, and Charlisa Teagle.

"Have You Noticed?" by Neal Murphy

November 29, 2019 - I realize that I am now an old feller and things are much more complicated today than when I was a young man. Things change rapidly and old things pass away in the middle of the night. I have noticed a number of things that have changed hardly without notice.

The following are few of the things that I have noticed:

"The New Car" by Neal Murphy

November 1, 2019 - I had not anticipated buying a new car in this year of 2019, however an accident totaled my 2015 sedan. So, purchasing a new car became a necessity. I had only one day to find just the right one at the right price. So,I purchased a 2019 model. I was astonished to find so many “high-tech” features as are now on these new cars.


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