Submitted by Neal Murphy

“The Addiction” By Neal Murphy

October 11, 2019 - I suppose than anyone can get addicted to anything. People get addicted to alcohol, drugs, shopping, and all kinds of other things. My addiction happens to be to popcorn.

It started at an early age. My parents used to pop corn in a deep skillet with a lid. They usually put a bit of butter in with the oil and shake the skillet until the corn was all popped, except for a few “old maids.” I got addicted to that wonderfully tasting corn which has lasted a lifetime.

"Doings in the Doctor's Office" by Neal Murphy

October 4, 2019 - My wife, Clara, began her medical career in 1959 when she went to work for Dr. M. J. Buchele in San Augustine. She worked there several years along with Helen Farr until we moved to Houston in 1962. She then worked for several different doctors for the next twenty six years. She has the “inside scoop” of what really goes on behind the scenes in a doctor’s office.

“Clara’s Culinary Calamities” By Neal Murphy

September 30, 2019 - When we were married in 1958 Clara knew nothing about cooking. Since I knew a lot about eating she made it her mission to learn all about preparing food fit for a king. I knew she must have thought of me as a king because she was always presenting me with burnt offerings. My, how things have changed over the years. I no longer receive burnt offerings from her as she has become a great cook.

“Cheetos and 42"

Both my parents and paternal grandparents were avid 42 players, and I was introduced to this domino game at an early age.  I began my 42 career around age eight or nine - they waited until I learned to count and cipher.

My grandmother, Mary Murphy, was a very serious player, you know the type who hates to lose, counts all the dominoes, and will know who has what domino in their hand. I never advanced to her level of proficiency.

“Don’t Goose Me” by Neal Murphy

September 13, 2019 - When I was in Junior High in San Augustine, Texas back in the late 1940s, I had an acceptable mode of transportation to and from school – a Schwinn Bicycle. Our home was only about ¾ mile from the school, so it was a good way for me to get to school, especially since the trip was downhill from the house.

We never met officially, this white goose and I, but he became my nemesis on the way to school every day. Actually there were two of them in the yard, but only this one seemed to hate me.

"Driving Mrs. Thorp" by Neal Murphy

September 6, 2019 - When a young man is about to propose marriage to his lady, it is important that the lady’s family is in agreement. That was the situation in which I found myself in 1956 at age twenty. I was attending Baylor University in Waco, Texas, but my love lived a four-hour drive away in Hemphill, Texas. Every other weekend I drove my 1950 Chevrolet to East Texas to be with Clara, my future wife. I certainly wanted her family, all of it, to approve of my being grafted into their family by marriage.

“So You’re Married to a Type ‘A’” by Neal Murphy

September 3, 2019 - Medical experts tell us that there are two personality types of people – Type A and Type B. Those who would be considered on the Type A side of the spectrum are those that are more driven, more focused, more goal-oriented, more diligent, more likely to get stressed and emotional, and more likely to have heart attacks and/or mental breakdowns.

The other side of the spectrum includes everyone else, who are called Type B personalities. These people aren’t as driven or goal-oriented, are more laid back, and more careless.  


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