Submitted by Neal Murphy

“The Dueling Cops”

August 1, 2019 - This is the city Houston, Texas. There are over one million stories in the city, and this is one of them. My name is Murphy, and I was working the night watch out of the patrol division of the Harris County Sheriff Department. My partner’s name is *John Smith. The year is 1972.

“The Shelby County Houdini” By Neal Murphy

July 1, 2019 - Harry Houdini was a Hungarian born magician, escapologist, and stunt performer in the early years of 1900. He was famous for somehow getting himself out of locked boxes, straitjackets, and handcuffs. In fact, in 1904 a locksmith named Nathaniel Hard spent seven years in making a special set of handcuffs that he felt would be impossible for any human to escape. In a sensational stunt, Houdini freed himself in one hour and ten minutes. No one knows how he accomplished this feat.

Fender Skirts by Neal Murphy

March 15, 2019 - I haven’t thought of fender skirts in years until recently. I was examining a few items in my toy car collection when I looked at my 1955 Chevrolet Bel Air which had rear fender skirts. I always liked the look on most of the 1940 and 1950 model cars which sported the skirts.

“The Art of Spitting” by Neal Murphy

March 8, 2019 - I know you have witnessed this strange ritual many times: A baseball player steps into the batter’s box, hits the plate with his bat, then spits. After each pitch he then steps out of the box and spits again. Or, you have seen a football player get down in his stance, stare at his opponent, then spits before the ball is snapped. I have often wondered about this spitting ritual done mostly by men. Personally I have never felt the need to spit just to be doing it, so I guess that is why I don’t understand.


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