Center City Council Regular Meeting Agenda, June 10

The Center City Council will meet in Regular Session on Monday, June 10, 2024, at 5pm in the Council Room at Center City Ham. The following items are on the agenda for appropriate action:

I. Welcome Guests and visitors
Republic Service Mr. Gene Kennon - Presentation of Donation

II. Approval of Minutes
A. Regular meeting of May 13, 2024

Ill. Discuss consider and Action on the Following:
A. KSA Work Order -Design/Admin of SECO Grant for LED Retrofit Civic Center
B. Renewal of TML Health Insurance Plan -Employee Benefit Program
C. Declaring surplus Equipment
D. Downtown Request
E. Park Planning Application
F. Board Appointments
1. DETCOG Board Member Designation Form
IV. Items of lnterest from council and city Manager and citizens -NO Action Items.
1. Financial Reports
2. Board/Committee Minutes/Reports/Appointments
3. Staff Reports
4. Information

V. Executive session
Consider entering executive session for legal consultation with the City Attorney and discussion of pending litigation, personnel matters, Economic Development negotiations and land acquisition with possible action related thereto upon reconvening in open session in accordance with Government Code Section 551.071, 551.072, 551.074 and 551.087

VI. Adjournment.