Center Council Renews Perry Sampson Park Resolution, Approves Final Street Project Payment

January 14, 2015 - The Center City Council renewed a resolution for a grant to facilitate construction at Perry Sampson Park and approved the final payment of the $950,000 grant funded MLK Drive and Holland Street construction project.

The council approved Resolution 2015-2 Authorizing 2015 TCDP Application. A previous resolution, under a different title, at the December meeting addressed this same item; however, due to some requirements previously unknown and an error in the December resolution the council had to revisit this item. Chad Nehring, City Manager explained the reasoning for the revised item.

"You actually approved this similar resolution last meeting in December, we got a little bit ahead of ourselves.," said Nehring. "Department of Ag[riculture] changed some of the language that's required in the resolution itself and we had a number slightly wrong so we need to change a little bit of the financials."

A benefit of $275,000 in grant funding is possible should the grant be awarded to the city with a required local match of $71,000 in funds from its General CIP and/or Park Fund. Should the grant be awarded, Perry Sampson Park is intended to receive the benefit.

Resolution 2015-3 Accepting Construction & Approving Final Payment 2011 TCDBG DRS 2.2 Grant #20023 was approved by the council and this grant facilitated construction on MLK Drive and Holland Street.

"We do still have one construction issue that is going to be resolved as a warranty work item, they had a little bit of a concrete problem in one area and we're going to see exactly what we're going to make them do to make that fully compliant so we don't have a long term problem," said Nehring.

The state will not make any final payment on the project until the council accepts the final approved construction.

Center Police Sgt. Scott Burkhalter is seen above with K9 Officer Zitan who will soon be retiring. It was announced at the Center City Council meeting that a new K9 has recently been donated to the Center Police Department and following his retirement, Zitan will remain with Sgt. Burkhalter and his family.The council approved the administrative handling of athletic field use agreements by approving Resolution 2015-4 Approving Athletic Field Use Agreements. As the city staff has developed a standard form agreement for all athletic programs wishing to use the athletic fields in Center, each agreement will no longer have to annually be presented before the council for approval.

During the meeting the council approved ordinance 2015-1 establishing city limits. There was no alteration to the city limits which needed to be approved; however, the city does approve the current city limits annually.

The council approved the appointments of the Zoning Board of Adjustments. Those members whose terms were expiring this year agreed to continue to serve and they are as follows: John Bender, Don Stewart, Billie Sue Payne, Andi Foster and Larry Hume.

Due to the passing of Dr. Steve Oates, there is now a vacancy on the Hotel Motel Advisory Committee and Mayor David Chadwick stated an appointment of his position is necessary and advised the council to consider possible candidates who can be submitted at the next meeting.

An item of interest discussed during the ending portion of the meeting was the acquisition of a new K9 officer for the Center Police Department. Center Police Chief Jim Albers addressed the council about this new acquisition, "Our K9 dog Zitan developed cataracts and it would be extremely expensive to have that fixed. [K9 Officers] out of Houston donated us a brand new dog for free."

Chief Albers stated Sgt. Scott Burkhalter is currently getting associated with the new dog, which is part German Shepherd and Belgian Malinois, and will be traveling to Houston to train with him. Another added difference is the new dog understands commands in Czechoslovakian whereas Zitan understood commands in German or Deutsch. The Center Rotary Club and Center Lions Club made a combined donation of $10,000 to make the original purchase of Zitan and Chief Albers remarked on that being the purchase cost of Zitan.

Nehring gave an update on the much anticipated recycling program returning to Center," Today in the mail [we] finally got our recycling contract, so next council meeting we fully anticipate having you approve accepting that contract."

Agenda items approved during the meeting include:
1.Minutes of December 8 meeting.
2.Ordinance 2015-1 establishing city limits.
3.Resolution 2015-1 designating the Light and Champion as the official newspaper for city publications.
4.Resolution 2015-2 Authorizing 2015 TCDP Application.
5.Resolution 2015-3 Accepting Construction &
6.Final Payment 2011 TCDBG DRS 2.2 Grant #20023.
7.Resolution 2015-4 Approving Athletic Field Use Agreements.
8.MLK Parade Route and Request.