Center ISD Approves Moving School Start Day to August 24th for Students

July 20, 2020 - During the Center ISD School Board of Trustees July 20, 2020 special called meeting, a vote passed to adjust the previously approved school calendar to delay the start of the 2020-2021 school year due to COVID-19 as well as construction. Students would start August 24th and employees would return on August 10th.

Superintendent Dr. Brian Morris addressed the trustees, "We've met as an administrative team. With our current situation with COVID, we have, we want to come back to you guys and ask that we be allowed to start school, change or modify our calendar to start school on August 24th. Employees would report on August 10th. Originally when y'all approved the schedule, it was, kids would show up on the 12th, we actually move it back to the 10th to try to catch up on some of those lost days from the spring. But with the, just like with everything else that is COVID related right now its fluid, we would really like to back the start date, the first date for kids up to the 24th, bring employees in for the 10th to get any staff development that they are going to need and allow, we've got several grade levels worth of classroom that need to be unpacked, classrooms organized with the construction, so, just feel like it would be a better situation."

The change would do away with the week in October which was scheduled off, the flex days that were in October are now three days in November the week of Thanksgiving, and two days in December in the Christmas break. Winter break will still be in February and spring break in April. School will still let out before Memorial Day. The previously approved total minutes for the year will not be adjusted. One concern mentioned during the meeting was ending the nine weeks semester after the Christmas and New Year's break.

Additional results of the meeting will be added to this article.