Center Water Supply Remains in Critical Condition; City Seeks Help Locating Leaks

Calls will be answered Saturday for leak reports or emergency disconnects. If you locate a leak and have issues turning off your water, call our non-emergency number at 936-598-2941.

February 19, 2021 - Center Water Supply distribution system remains in a critical condition with extremely high water usage and/or leak loss. Despite efforts to repair two line breaks and assisting several customers with temporary disconnection for busted pipes, it is unlikely our system will maintain pressure through the night if current level of demand continues. For perspective on current demand, the Tyson plant operations account for roughly 50% of daily water production, over 1.5 Million gallons. Tuesday, Wednesday and today, the system consumed in excess of 3 million gallons each day without any Tyson operations. The most critical issue is getting the system sufficient for sampling by maintaining 35+ psi allowing removal of the boil water condition after lab testing. While today was reasonably successful, continued high demand will most likely compromise the system supply capability again this evening.

As we begin to re-establish our water supply, it is imperative that citizens locate leaks at their homes and businesses and either make repairs, turn the water off at building cutoff valves or contact the City to disconnect the meter temporarily. Please help by identifying any leaks so we can get our water levels back up and service restored and maintained. Also any reduction in usage for major appliances, like dishwashers and washing machines will help reduce.

Calls will be answered tomorrow (Saturday) for leak reports or emergency disconnects. If you locate a leak and have issues turning off your water, call our non-emergency number at 936-598-2941. We will send someone to temporarily turn off your service at the meter as soon as possible. Upon resupplying the system tomorrow morning, our staff is anticipating a full day searching and repairing any system leaks and assisting customers.