"Chester’s Turnip Green Patch" by Doug Fincher

He gives his food to the hungry…” Ezekiel 18:7

ChesterNovember 28, 2022 - In the mid-seventies, I drove back to Mauriceville, Texas where I had once been pastor of the First Baptist Church. I was stone broke and searching for a place to live. Nova Dee Strickland told me that her dad, ex-Orange County Sheriff, Chester Holts had a “little green rent house that you might want to see.”

My daughter Caralee (a senior in high school) moved in it with me and I opened a small gun shop down the street from the house. That “little green house” proved to have advantageous surroundings… not the least of which was Chester’s next door turnip green patch. My daughter and I learned that cornbread plus turnip greens from Chester’s patch was “a joy unspeakable and full of glory.”

Several years ago, Mr. And Mrs. Holt passed to their heavenly reward. I remember telling Chester many times how he and that turnip green patch helped me through a very difficult time of my life.

And I’ll tell him again some day.