Community Members Receive Support from Center Officers

April 2, 2015 - Officers with the Center Police Department SWAT team recently converged on a house located on Daniels Street in Center and they had weeds in mind, yard weeds to be correct. The off-duty officers took to performing lawn duties with lawn mowers, rakes and trimmers to help knock back a lot of growth in a lawn that was in need of some care.

Mildred Johnson is a resident of Center whose residence the police have visited before in the dark of night to check on her while on patrol and for various calls involving noises and disturbances around her house. In visiting with Johnson, the officers decided they could do something for her and offered to mow her yard.

In fact, there are many people out there who the police see during their daily duties who have nobody and may need a little help around the house. These officers on their own accord are hoping to take on a new initiative to be there when they can for those people needing some attention. To demonstrate their commitment to do this, some of the things they intend to do when time allows include mowing lawns, and fixing exterior lighting.

Johnson was not at home when the volunteers arrived on Monday, March 30, 2015 and she certainly was surprised when she returned home to find the officers in her yard mowing her lawn. Officers Jim Blackwell, Stephen Thornburgh, Andrew Williams, Sgt. Ricky King, and Mr. Gardner, who had been mowing around the church nearby, were all doing their part to help with Johnson's yard.

Through this new off-duty program, officers can demonstrate their commitment to the community, and help elderly individuals be less fearful of their surroundings in areas where they may be hesitant to even go outdoors
