County Requesting Citizens to Self Report TS Laura Damage

September 2, 2020 - The Shelby County Office of Emergency Management is encouraging anyone in Shelby County to self report any damages you may have received to your home or business during Tropical Storm Laura.

If you sustained damage to your home or business as a result of Tropical Storm Laura, please utilize the link below to submit a damage survey. Within the survey, disaster survivors will have the opportunity to request assistance from volunteer organizations at their property. This information will also help us request more resources and volunteers into the area to help if needed.

Residents will be available to upload pictures and report damages to the property. This voluntary self-reporting should not substitute residents reporting damages to their insurance agencies, nor does it guarantee disaster relief assistance.

You can find the link to report damages at the Deep East Texas Council of Governments (DETCOG) web site at Click on the “Hurricane Laura: Was your home or business damaged?” link.