David’s Daily Devotion for August 14

August 14, 2023 - Good Morning! It's Monday, August 14.

This morning, the sound of school bells once again fills the air in Center, Texas. The first day of school is here. But I want to focus on what happened last night, something that is unique to life in a small town. Our church, and others, were invited to walk through our schools... to pray.

I grew up in Houston, and have spent most of my ministry life in metroplexes. What occurred last night, here in our small town, would have never happened in those big cities. When I came to Center, seven years ago, I was amazed at the level of access that local churches had to the school system, access to support, to encourage, to make a difference.

Most of the members of my church grew up here, and so they probably take this access for granted. But it continues to be a revelation to me. And so, last night, we walked the halls of our schools, halls that, this morning, are filled with children. We prayed for their safety. We prayed for their families. We prayed for their future.

What a blessing.
Meet you back here tomorrow,
Bro. David