David’s Daily Devotion for December 15

December 15, 2023 - Good Morning! It's Friday, December 15.

God uses unlikely people. He chose Moses, a man uncomfortable speaking before crowds, to lead a nation. He chose Peter, an uneducated fisherman, to lead a new church. He chose Paul, a Pharisee who hated Christians so much that he had a hand in killing them, to teach the love of Christ to the world.

And He chose a group of lowly shepherds... to be the first to hear of the birth of a King. God’s messengers, the angels, shared the good news with the shepherds and they, in turn, spread the “gospel” to everyone they met. But how much power did that message carry, coming from such powerless men? And how could Moses inspire a nation without the gift of powerful oratory? How could Peter, a man with impulse control issues, control a brand new faith? How could Paul, who was deeply distrusted by the believers, become a trusted teacher and pastor?

Impossible. Incredible. Unlikely. For people like that to be successful would take a miracle. And perhaps that is the secret. God chooses imperfect people to work His perfect will. And the only reaction can be - “It’s a God thing!” And He receives all the glory, honor, and praise. As it should be.

God uses unlikely people. Like me. Like you.

Meet you back here on Monday,
Bro. David