David’s Daily Devotion for Feb. 1

February 1, 2022 - Good Morning! It's Tuesday, February 1.

February 1st fell on a Saturday in 2003. That morning, at about 8:00, people in the Dallas area looked up in the sky... and they saw the space shuttle Columbia breaking apart. A few minutes later debris began to fall in East Texas. It fell in our streets, in our fields, all around us. It was a day that many of you will never forget.

And in the months following that day, many of you were part of the search teams - the largest search effort in the history of the world. Or maybe you helped feed the searchers, or did their laundry, or a hundred other little things. Everyone just wanted to help, to do something, to do what they could do. Because, not only had this terrible tragedy happened - it had happened here, where we live.

We live in a community where neighbors help neighbors. It's no big thing, really. It's expected. It's part of our way of life. But, if you've lived in other places, you know that it's not like that everywhere. We are blessed. And in the winter of 2003, we had the opportunity to be a blessing to our nation, to NASA, and to the families of the seven brave astronauts.

So, the next time a neighbor helps you. Or, better yet, the next time you have the chance to help a neighbor. Whisper a prayer of thanksgiving. Because you are blessed.

Galatians 5:14 - The whole law of God is fulfilled in this one command - You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

Meet you back here tomorrow,
Bro. David