David’s Daily Devotion for Feb. 13

February 13, 2023 - Good Morning!  It’s Monday, February 13

Today we focus on a famous Bible passage, so famous that it has its own nickname - The Love Chapter.  Today we focus on I Corinthians 13.

A third of the books in the New Testament are named after churches - the church in Philippi, the church in Rome, the church in Ephesus, etc.  At first glance, it would seem to be a great honor for these churches to be remembered in this way.  But, then we realize that Paul wrote to them because they had problems.  And none of these churches had a greater number or a wider variety of problems than the church in Corinth.

You name it - Corinth was dealing with it - doctrinal issues, worship issues, division, immorality.  The list goes on and on, and it includes questions about spiritual gifts.  In verse 1:7 Paul tells this congregation, "you do not lack any spiritual gift."  This was truly a gifted church, this was a blessed church - but this was a church that was not living up to its potential.

We see the solution for their problems when we look at how Paul structures this letter. In chapters 12 and 14 he speaks about spiritual gifts - how to use them, how not to abuse them, their place and priority in the church.  And then . . . he places his words about God's highest priority directly between these two chapters.  Could Paul be any clearer in the point that he is making?  Corinth church, you are gifted - but it willl all come to nothing if you have not love.

We return over and over again to these letters of Paul, don't we?  I think it's because, unfortunately, we often see our own church reflected in these early churches.  I encourage you to return once again, this morning, to this beloved chapter.  Read it through.  It wil only take you a couple of minutes.  You will be reminded of priorities, Paul's priorities, God's priorities.  And you will be reminded of the power of love.
If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love . . .
Meet you back here tomorrow,

Bro. David