David’s Daily Devotion for Feb. 19

February 19, 20222 - Good Morning! It’s Saturday, February 19.

Part of the training that goes into becoming a Navy pilot involves learning what to do . . . when you crash. Often, it's been found, when a plane crash lands into water, that the pilot loses all sense of what's up and what's down – and may actually be swimming toward the bottom instead of the surface. The trainers teach a surefire solution – blow out a little air and follow the bubbles – they always go to the top!

Sometimes in this topsy-turvy world of ours, we don’t know up from down. We struggle with which way to turn. We’re confused about which direction we should go. Perhaps our “bubbles” could be the Word of God. When in doubt, follow the scriptures – they always go in the right direction.

Your Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. - Psalm 119:105

Meet you back here on Monday,

Bro. David
