David’s Daily Devotion for Feb. 2

February 2, 2022 - Hello! It's Wednesday, February 2.

Tell me if this has ever happened to you. I'm driving to work one day last week and I find myself behind two 18-wheelers who are driving side by side. That's right... the dreaded "rolling roadblock"! I was a few minutes late for work, so I was, of course, "mildly" concerned about this obstruction. I remember certain phrases coming to mind. Phrases like - "What the heck?", "C'mon slowpoke!", and "Get the lead out!" Well, finally the road parted, I made up time by driving over the speed limit, and I was only a little late for work.

At the end of that same work day I was driving home along that very same stretch of road. Since I didn't have to get to my house on time, and because I am a careful, conscientious, law-abiding person, I was driving under the speed limit. And then I noticed that another driver had pulled alongside me and was, like me, also carefully obeying the speed laws. I looked over at him and we shared a neighborly nod. Then suddenly I looked in my rear view and saw an 18-wheeler right on my back bumper! Certain phrases came to mind - "What the heck?", "C'mon speed demon!", and "Slow down!"

Later that evening I reflected on the fact that, within an 8 hour period, in two identical scenarios, I had played opposite parts. I had been both the "slowpoke" AND the "speed demon". It reminded me that we humans are changeable beings. We often adjust our behavior, and even our character and personality, according to the situation. We're different with strangers than we are with our family. We're different when we're calm than we are when we're stressed. We're different at church than we are in the community. 

Perhaps that's why we humans are so attracted to God... who does... not... change.

Hebrews 13:8. Jesus Christ - the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Meet you back here tomorrow,
Bro. David