David’s Daily Devotion for Feb. 21

February 21, 2022 - Good Morning! It’s Monday, February 21.

Happy President’s Day! This is one of those three-day weekend holidays without a lot of meaning or resonance. The birthdays of both Lincoln and Washington are around this time of February. I guess we’re supposed to remember and honor all our presidents on this day.

We look back today on the religious affiliations of our chief executives. More of them were Episcopalians than any other denomination - 11 in all, including George Washington. In second place, with 7 presidents, comes the Presbyterian faith (Ronald Reagan). There’ve been four Baptists (Jimmy Carter), three Methodists (George W. Bush), two Quakers (Richard Nixon), and two Catholics (John Kennedy and Joe Biden).

A couple of presidents never officially joined a religious denomination - Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln. Jefferson isn't a surprise, being known for his Deist beliefs - a system based on rational thought and revelation through nature. But Lincoln used biblical references in his speeches more than any other president, and so is something of a spiritual enigma. Tune back in tomorrow as we look at some of Lincoln's quotes from the Word of God.

I Peter 2:17 instructs us to "love the brotherhood, fear God, honor the emperor". And so, on this day, we honor our presidents. And we pray that each of our elected officials will seek God for wisdom, strength, and direction.

Meet you back here tomorrow,
Bro. David