David’s Daily Devotion for Feb. 24

February 24, 2022 - Good Morning!  It's Thursday, February 24.

On February 24, 1909, a new business was started. It was called the Hudson Motor Car Company. It was very successful. At its' peak it was a close third to Ford and Chevy.  Millions of people around the world drove Hudson cars.

So, seen many Hudson's on the road lately? Ever seen a Hudson? Probably not, since they went out of business close to seventy years ago! Success is fleeting. Here today, gone tomorrow.

What things of today do you think will be here 100 years from now? Will people still be watching Netflix? What about Face Book? How about the United States of America? How about our churches?

The last few years have seen some drastic changes in culture and communication, in government and in religion. Will that kind of change continue? Could it even accelerate? These are unanswerable questions. But the very fact that we ask them points to the uncertainty of our future.

I'm reminded of an old gospel song, made famous by Billy Graham's soloist, George Beverly Shea -

In times like these we need a Savior
In times like these we need an anchor
Be very sure, be very sure
Your anchor holds, and grips the Solid Rock.

Meet you back here tomorrow,

Bro. David