David’s Daily Devotion for Feb. 9

February 9, 2022 - Good Morning! It's Wednesday, February 9.

As the calendar inches closer and closer to Valentine's Day, we continue our devotion series on the subject of love.

On Sunday night, February 9, 1964 - 78 million Americans (the most in history) tuned their TVs to the Ed Sullivan Show, and the world of popular music was changed forever. The guests that night were four young lads from Liverpool - the Beatles. Maybe some of you were watching. I missed it. My family, being devout Baptists, were, of course, at church!

The Fab Four sang five songs that evening. All five, not surprisingly, were about the subject of love. The centerpiece was a simple tune that would go on to be the best-selling single of the sixties - "She Loves You". You remember that one - it features the immortal lyric... yeah! yeah! yeah!

The Beatles were trailblazers in so many areas of music and culture - but not in the area of that theme of love. Songwriters and poets and playwrights have been focusing on that lofty subject for as long as language has existed. Why? Because we are all created to need love in our lives. That instinct is so strong that often we make poor choices in our pursuit of it.

When the Bible talks about God's love, it uses the Greek word "agape." This is a term that describes a selfless, giving, steadfast, faithful love. Agape is the word that is being used here... For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)

In other words - He loves you! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

Meet you back here tomorrow,

Bro. David