David’s Daily Devotion for June 28

June 28, 2024 - Good Morning! It's Friday, June 28.

I love words. I love finding out where words come from and how they've changed on their journey to now. You probably know that many of our English words come from the Greek language, the language of the New Testament. The Lingua Franca of the 1st Century. Lingua Franca denotes a "bridge" language, a common language, a language of trade and commerce, a tongue that connects people of different tongues. God's really smart, isn't He? He made sure that His gospel was written in the Lingua Franca of its time - Greek. By the way, the Lingua Franca of 2024 . . . that would be English.

Here's a few words that came to us from the Greek. Angel (angelos-messenger), Bible (biblios-book), Music (The Muses - 9 Greek goddesses of the arts), Harmony (harmonia - fit together), Pandemic (pan-all, demos-people).

And then there's the word "enthusiasm". It's derived from the Greek word "entheos". Theos was the Greek word for God, so entheos literally means "in God", inspired by God, filled with God. I believe that nothing much can be accomplished without at least a certain level of enthusiasm, and that goes double when we're talking about the work of the church, the work of the Lord.

Have you ever "grown weary in the work of the Lord"? The next time that happens, just remember the first meaning, the Greek meaning, of the word enthusiam. And ask the Spirit to . . . fill you with God.

Meet you back here on Monday,

Bro. David