David’s Daily Devotional for April 22

April 22, 2022 - Good Morning! It’s Friday, April 22.

This Sunday, First Baptist Center will “Walk Through the New Testament” - experiencing a unique and engaging Bible study event. Today we continue to remember some favorite New Testament stories.

In yesterday’s devotion, Jesus fed the 5000 with a little boy’s lunch. Immediately following that miracle, He sent His disciples across the Sea of Galilee, while He stayed behind to pray. This freshwater lake, 33 miles across, is known for its’ sudden, violent storms. On that night, the disciples found themselves in the middle of one of those storms and were fighting for their lives.

In the distance, they saw an incredible sight - a man walking on water. At first, they thought it was a ghost, but then they recognized Jesus. And then the ever-impulsive Peter did an incredible thing - he got out of the boat! As long as he kept his eyes on The Savior, he was able to walk on the water, too. And once Jesus entered the boat, the storm instantly stopped.  

What lessons do we take from this famous New Testament story? Storms will come. And Jesus will come in the midst of those storms. And as long as we keep our eyes on Him, we'll be alright. And the storms will end.

Meet you back here tomorrow,
Bro. David