David's Daily Devotion for Aug. 26

August 26, 2022 - Good Morning! It's Friday, August 26.

Next week I'll be taking a few days of vacation from my job as Minister of Worship & Education at First Baptist Church of Center, Texas. So, starting Monday, I’ll reprint some favorite devotions from the past. Hope you enjoy them. Hope they speak to your heart . . . again!

The idea of a "vacation", as we know it today, wasn't part of the lives of common people during Bible times. Kings and the rich might have had summer houses for get-a-ways, but not the regular Joes. The Bible, however, does encourage the cycle of work and rest. The Creation Story tells us that God "rested" on the seventh day, and when He created the Sun and Moon - day and night - He provided a regular routine of restoration for His creation.

The Jewish calendar year featured frequent opportunities for rest - from the Sabbath day to the many feast days like Passover and Pentecost. Our creator knows us better than we know ourselves, and He knows that we need time to replenish, rejuvenate, and refresh. This includes random "mental health days" and vacations. But it also includes moments within each day - moments of Bible study, worship, prayer, meditation - moments to be still, to know that He is God, and to hear His voice.

Meet you back here on Monday,
Bro. David