David's Daily Devotion for August 7

August 7, 2023 - Good Morning! It's Monday, August 7.

Last night, my church celebrated The Lord's Supper. At the end of the service, we sang a song. Here's the story behind that song.

In 1755, John Fawcett, 16 years old, was converted under the preaching of the famous evangelist George Whitefield. God called him to preach not long after and, at the age of 21, he became pastor of a small, working class church in rural England. A few years later this gifted minister was offered a position at a large church in London - a huge step forward in his ministry career.

Fawcett shared this news with his little congregation and, after preaching his final sermon, they helped him load his few possessions onto a cart waiting in front of the church. Suddenly his wife burst into tears, exclaiming that she just could not bring herself to leave. Her husband quickly agreed and the church family rejoiced as they unloaded the cart. John Fawcett had many more opportunities to leave that church - but he never did. He died, as pastor, after 54 years of service. A legacy of love and faithfulness.

This story has a special resonance for me. My father became pastor of a small, working class church in Houston, shortly after graduating from seminary. A gifted preacher, he had many opportunities to go to larger, more prestigious churches - but he never did. He died, as pastor, after 54 years of service. A legacy of love and faithfulness.

John Fawcett wrote these words...

Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love

The fellowship of kindred minds is like to that above.

Meet you back here tomorrow,
Bro. David