February 8, 2024 - Good Morning! It's Thursday, February 8.
Have you heard the expression, "If you don't like the weather in Texas, just wait a minute"? Hot, cold, wet, dry - we get it all, and sometimes all in the same month. On February 8,1933, the temperature in Seminole, Texas was 23 degrees BELOW ZERO!
Today, in that little panhandle town, it will reach 61.
That weather report from 91 years ago stands as the coldest recorded day in Texas history. So, we're not looking for a repeat of that, but who knows? Here in Center, Texas (about the same size as Seminole), we had a freezing, wintry January, but so far, February has seen warm temperatures and lots of rain. It feels like April. But then, sometimes April can be... well, you get the picture.
Change. Contrast. Unpredictability. These are part of life in Texas, part of life everywhere, and not just with the weather. We live in a time and a culture where often wrong is right and right is wrong. And we are left longing for consistency, searching for something that we can depend on, looking for something we can trust.
Look no further.
I am the Lord, and I do not change. Malachi 3:6
Meet you back here tomorrow,
Bro. David