David's Daily Devotion for February 9

February 9, 2023 - Good Morning! It’s Thursday, February 9.

There’s only five shopping days till Valentine’s! Today we look at the story of two Christian love songs - with the same title - but written two centuries apart.

In 1738 Charles Wesley was 31 years old and had just experienced a spiritual conversion. In honor of this experience he wrote a hymn. He called it “And Can It Be”. Wesley went on to write more than 6000 hymns. And in his spare time, he and his brother, John, founded the Methodist Church!

In 1997, Billy Foote was a young worship leader in Texas. He wrote a song and called it “You Are My King”. It premiered at the very first Passion Conference, held that year in Austin, and attended by thousands of college students. Those students carried this song back to their home cities and their campuses, and today worshippers are singing it around the world.

So, what about these two songs having the same title? Well, even though Charles Wesley named his song “How Can It Be”, and even though Billy Foote named his song “You Are My King”, most people today call both of these songs - “Amazing Love”. They share something else, too. They share the first line of their choruses.

Amazing love, how can it be, that You, my King, would die for me.

Amazing stories. Amazing songs. Amazing love.

Meet you back here tomorrow,
Bro. David