David's Daily Devotion for March 23

March 23, 2022 - Good Morning! It's Wednesday, March 23.

Yesterday, here in Shelby County, it was "raining cats and dogs!" That phrase, as I'm sure you know, is an idiom - a set of words peculiar to a particular language, words that are not understood by their literal meanings, but by metaphor and cultural tradition. If you're learning English, you probably know what "cat" means and what "dog" means - but that doesn't help you understand that "raining cats and dogs" means it's really coming down out there!

Several times in my life I've had the pleasure of teaching ESL classes - English As a Second Language. Idioms were one of the most difficult things to teach. You have to learn idioms one at a time - and there are thousands in the English language. And more of them come from the Bible than from any other single source. Here's a few famous idioms from the Word of God -

By the skin of your teeth (Job 19:20)
The handwriting on the wall (Daniel 5)
A thorn in your side (2 Corinthians 12:7)
A wolf in sheep's clothing (Matthew 7:15)
The apple of one's eye (Psalm 17:8)
Catch my breath (Job 9:18)
A drop in the bucket (Isaiah 40:15)
The straight and narrow (Matthew 7:14)

God's Word impacts our lives, our culture, and even our language in amazing ways. Spend some time in the Word today. You'll be blessed!

Meet you back here tomorrow,
Bro. David