David's Daily Devotion for March 29

March 29, 2024 - Good Morning! It's Friday, March 29.

We come to the end of our five-day series on what Jesus was doing each day of the original Holy Week. During the last four days we've witnessed His encounters with friends and foes, with those who loved Him, and with those who plotted against Him.

And now, today - Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of Man, the Lamb of God, the Christ, the Messiah, our Savior - is savagely nailed to a rugged wooden cross. It is Good Friday.

Ten days from now, millions will witness a solar eclipse. Much has been said about this once-in-a-lifetime astronomical event. But it will last only a couple of minutes. On that Friday, two thousand years ago, day became night - for three hours. It was as if the sun refused to shine, as if God the Father had turned His face away.

Don't turn your face away today. Look full on that old rugged cross. Turn your eyes upon Jesus. And meditate on what Christ's sacrifice has meant to the world, has meant through the ages, has meant to you.

I Peter 2:24 - "By His wounds we have been healed."

Happy Easter!

Meet you back here on Monday,
Bro. David