David's Daily Devotion for March 9

March 9, 2023 - Good Morning. It’s Thursday, March 9.

On this day, last year, I received a message from relatives in Maryland. My youngest sister had passed away. The news was not unexpected, but you're never fully prepared for that message. On that day I posted this devotion. I hope it will speak to you on this day.

Today my subject is family. During our lives we may have several families - spouses, children, second marriages, step kids, grand kids, etc. But my focus this morning is on the family we grew up with - mom, dad, brothers, sisters.

That "first" family features a unique connection for most of us. Our siblings know us in a way that no one else does. And brothers and sisters know their parents in a unique way as well.

Change impacts the relationships in our first families, as it does everything. Our interactions may diminish over time, but our connections remain. After our parents pass away we may not see our brothers and sisters as much as we once did - but they are still a part of us.

And so, today, we celebrate siblings. Those people in the world who remember us from “way back when”, who know some of our secrets, who trust us with some of theirs. The people who fill a place in our lives that only they can fill. Pieces of our puzzle. Characters in our story.

Today we celebrate our brothers and sisters. We thank God for them. We pray for them. We remember them.

Meet you back here tomorrow,
Bro. David