David's Daily Devotion for May 10

May 10, 2023 - Good Morning! It's Wednesday, May 10.

Nothing is more innocent than a newborn baby, the essence of innocence. On May 10, in two different years and in two different places, two babies were born. In 1838, in Bel Air, Maryland, a baby boy named John breathed his first breath, and in 1955, in Fort Worth,Texas, an innocent infant named Mark entered the world. At the age of 26, John killed President Abraham Lincoln, and when he was 25, Mark murdered Beatle John Lennon. We know them, as we know all assassins, by all three of their names - John Wilkes Booth and Mark David Chapman.

Booth grew up in a broken home, and Chapman had an abusive father. Excuses? Certainly not. But examples of how this corrupt world may shape us and turn us toward evil. The Apostle Paul tells us in Ephesians 4:22-23 - "You were taught with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitudes of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness."

In His second letter to the church in Corinth, Paul goes on to say, "He made Him who knew no sin, to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." And so, through the power of the saving grace of Jesus Christ, we can stand before the Father - redeemed, righteous, and innocent.

Meet you back here tomorrow,
Bro. David