David's Daily Devotion for May 28

May 28, 2024 - Good Morning! It's Tuesday, May 28.

On May 28, 1936, something radical happened that would change the world. Alan Mathison Turing, a 23-year-old student at Cambridge University in England, published a paper titled "On Computable Numbers." In this paper he described a device that would come to be called "The Turing Machine." We have a different name for it today... the computer.

Turing developed his machine during World War II and used it to break the codes of the German army. Historians believe that his invention was a significant factor in the Allied victory and may have saved millions of lives. Because of England's Secrecy Act, much of Turing's work was unknown and unheralded in his lifetime. But our lives are changed because of his radical ideas. He was truly a man before his time.

We sometimes forget how radical the teachings of Jesus were in his time. Love your enemies. Turn the other cheek. The first shall be last. Blessed are the peacemakers. Come to think of it, those ideas are still pretty radical today. But they continue to have the power to change our lives. And we shouldn't keep them a secret.

Meet you back here tomorrow,
Bro. David