David's Daily Devotion for May 6

May 6, 2022 - Good Morning! It’s Friday, May 6.

I hope that you had the opportunity to attend a National Day of Prayer event yesterday. We had a good crowd to gather here in Shelby County, Texas. But not quite enough to complete the human prayer chain around our historic 1885 courthouse. We were blessed to give it a try, but it turned out not to be possible. Today we focus on a man who did the impossible.

On May 6, 1954, it was a cool and windy day in Oxford, England. 3000 spectators had gathered to watch a race. The distance was one mile. Among the runners was a tall, gangly, 25-year-old medical student named Roger Bannister. He seemed like an unlikely candidate to win the race, much less to make history.

In the history of sport, there was one particular record that many considered impossible to break. The sub-four-minute mile. Doctors and scientists thought it was physically impossible. Bannister could only train one hour a day, because of his medical studies, but he never gave up on this impossible dream.

As he crossed the finish line, the crowd didn’t cheer, but sat in stunned silence. A few moments later, the announcement came - 3.59.4 - and the crowd exploded. Roger Bannister had done the unexpected, the unimaginable, the impossible.

Have you done any impossible things lately? Me neither. But you and I serve a God, for whom nothing is impossible. And for some impossible reason, this Mighty God gives you and I complete access to His power. It’s called prayer.

Meet you back here tomorrow,
Bro. David