David's Daily Devotion for May 7

May 7, 2022 - Good Morning! It’s Saturday, May 7.

Tomorrow is Mother’s Day, so today we look at a mother in the Bible who epitomizes the selfless love of mothers everywhere.

Her name was Jochebed. You don’t see many couples naming their daughters “Jochebed” these days, which is surprising since it really rolls off the tongue. Anyway, we find her in the first chapter of Exodus. And we also find there a pharaoh “who did not know Joseph”, Joseph saved Egypt from a cataclysmic famine. But he was long dead and forgotten. 

The new pharaoh feared the growing Jewish population and made a chilling decree that every Israelite boy baby should be killed. This was the unimaginable horror that Jochebed faced as she gave birth to a son that she named Moses. But this formidable mother had a plan, and the will to carry it out.

Jochebed had her daughter Miriam put the baby in a basket, and then place the basket in the Nile River, near where pharaoh’s daughter came to bathe. The princess rescued the child and wanted to make him a prince. But Miriam told her that she would need a woman to nurse it, and she knew just the woman. And so Jochebed was hired to care for her own baby, and once he was weaned, she gave him up forever.

A selfless love. A love that we see played out in the lives of mothers everywhere. A love that mirrors the unselfish love of our Heavenly Father.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Meet you back here on Monday,
Bro. David