David's Daily Devotion for November 1

November 1, 2023 - Good Morning! It's Wednesday, November 1.

On this day, in 1512, the public first viewed one of the world's greatest artistic achievements - the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Located seven stories above the floor, it's covered with a mural painted by Michelangelo. He toiled for four years to produce the masterpiece, standing precariously on a wooden scaffold, with his neck awkwardly craned backwards.

The five-century-old chapel is found in the Vatican, where the Pope lives. Pope Julius II originally requested that the ceiling feature portraits of the twelve apostles, but Michelangelo had a different idea. In his thirties, he was already considered the greatest artist in the world, having produced such works as the statue of David. And so, he was allowed to paint whatever subject he chose, and he chose scenes from the book of Genesis.

The most famous image, called The Creation of Man, pictures the hand of God reaching out, with the gift of life, to the hand of Adam. The world first saw it on this day, 511 years ago. And it is still there today.

Genesis 1:1 - In the beginning, God created...

Meet you back here tomorrow,
Bro. David