David's Daily Devotion for November 29

November 29, 2023 - Good Morning! It's Wednesday, November 29.

Happy Birthday to Clive Staples Lewis, born November 29, 1898. One of my favorite writers, C.S. Lewis is considered by many to be the greatest Christian apologist of the 20th century. That’s “apologist” from the Greek “apologia,” a legal term for offering a defense. Lewis was an heroic defender of the faith and his over 30 books sold millions of copies and continue to influence those who explore the Christian experience.

C.S. Lewis was a highly respected professor at both Oxford and Cambridge Universities. He gained a broader reputation during World War II through a series of radio broadcasts in England. These were later presented in his classic book, “Mere Christianity.” He‘s also known for his children’s series “The Chronicles of Narnia.” Many of you know and love his work, but if not, I challenge you to check him out. You will be blessed.

Lewis died on November 22, 1963. Does that date ring a bell? It was also the day that John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas. Worldwide press coverage of that event completely overshadowed the passing of a British academic who thought long and hard about what it means to be a Christian, and dedicated his life to sharing those thoughts with the world. Here’s a few quotes from his work...

  • Prayer doesn’t change God, it changes me.
  • Integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one’s watching.
  • If nothing in the world satisfies me, perhaps it’s because I was made for another world.
  • I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.

Meet you back here tomorrow,
Bro. David

"Journey to Bethlehem," December 8-10, a walk through the first Christmas night - and much more! Free tickets at fbccenter.org.