David's Daily Devotion for November 7

November 7, 2023 - Good Morning! It's Tuesday, November 7.

On November 7, 2017, Audrey Luna, an operatic soprano, was singing on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City. That night she produced a pitch that is thought to be the highest recorded vocal note in history - an A above High C. It's hard to know if she really hit that note, since only dogs can hear it (kidding).

The human voice is divided into six basic categories or ranges - soprano, mezzo-soprano, contralto, tenor, baritone, and bass. These six voices cover a span of over four octaves, or about half of a piano keyboard. The human voice is truly a miracle of God.

The voice seems even more miraculous when you consider its moving parts. When we think about singing, we typically picture the mouth, but the mouth is simply a modifier, a tool for shaping sound. The source of sound is the voice box, which is located in the throat, atop the windpipe. Two extremely thin, pearly white strips of muscle - about an inch long in men, half an inch in women - vibrate together to make the beautiful sound of song.

The Bible mentions singing countless times, mostly in connection to praise. But the word "voice" is only seen about a dozen times in God's Word, and almost always in reference to His voice. In I Kings 19 it is described as "a still, small voice". In Job 40, the voice of God "thunders".

My voice, your voice, is mentioned in Psalm 66:19, and not in reference to singing. "God has surely listened, and heard my voice... in prayer."

Meet you back here tomorrow,
Bro. David