David's Daily Devotion for October 11

October 11, 2022 - Good Morning! It's Tuesday, October 11.

In the Bible there are stories of at least ten people who were raised from the dead. The Old Testament prophet Elijah raised one of them, as did the prophet Elisha. In the New Testament Peter brought Tabitha back to life and Paul gave life back to Eutychus. But the majority of those ten lucky people were raised by Jesus. Can you name them? Most people can only name one. And He is the subject of today's devotional... Lazarus.

The name Lazarus is a Latin variation of the Hebrew "Lazar", which is a shortened version of the name Eleazor - a name that means "God helps". God, through the Lord Jesus Christ, certainly helped this man named Lazarus. The Gospel of John (the only place that this story is found) tells us that shortly before Christ's death, His good friend Lazarus died. By the time Jesus arrived in Bethany, Lazarus was four days dead. In John Chapter 11 we see Christ approaching the tomb and we hear Him give a three-word command - "Lazarus, come forth!" I heard a preacher once say that it was important that Jesus included His friend's name in that command, because otherwise everyone who had ever died would have "come forth!"

Have you ever wondered what Lazarus experienced during those four days? And what was his life like afterward? And how did he face his "second" death? These questions won't be answered until that day that we wake up in heaven. For now, we're left with this amazing story. The story of the last great miracle of Christ, before He faced the Cross. Before He Himself faced death.

And before He became the eleventh person to be raised from the dead!

Meet you back here tomorrow,
Bro. David