David's Daily Devotion for October 21

October 21, 2022 - Good Morning! It’s Friday, October 21.

This morning, we look at a man who gave up comfort, security, and power - to follow God’s call. This morning, we look at the man, Nehemiah. 

Four centuries before Bethlehem, Nehemiah was a trusted assistant to the king of the Persian Empire, the greatest empire that the world had ever known. But Nehemiah wasn’t Persian, he was an Israelite, and was part of the thousands of Jews who lived in exile from their native land after their country was defeated, and Solomon's Temple was destroyed, by the Babylonians, under their king, Nebuchadnezzar.

The Babylonian Empire, in turn, was overthrown by the Persians, who began to allow the Jews to return to Jerusalem. Nehemiah was part of this "remnant" that would build a second temple and restore the walls of that once great city. Nehemiah was a leader in this effort, and his book, the last book of history in the Old Testament, is a fascinating and inspiring read.

It is the story of a man, of a people, who had experienced great loss, and took on great challenge in order to move forward. Many of the exiled Jews chose not to return, chose to stay in their comfort and security. We do not remember their names. But today, we remember Nehemiah.

"Remember me for this, O God, and do not blot out what I have so faithfully done for the house of my God." Nehemiah 13:14

Meet you back here on Monday,
Bro. David