David's Daily Devotion for September 20

September 20, 2023 - Good Morning. It's Wednesday, September 20.

This morning I'll sing a song at a memorial service for a friend. He endured a long illness that left him a shut-in for the last months of his life. During those several months, I had several opportunities to visit him. He loved gospel music, so I'd bring my guitar and we'd share some favorites. 

On one visit, a few weeks ago, he requested a song, a song that I had never heard of. I told him I'd learn it and we would sing it the next time I came by. But there wasn't a next time. That was the last time I saw him. And so, I'll sing that song this morning. It's a song of hope, a song of heaven.

Lord, build me a cabin in the corner of Gloryland
In the shade of the Tree of Life, that it may ever stand
Where I can just hear the angels sing and shake Jesus' hand
Lord, build me a cabin in the corner of Gloryland

Meet you back here tomorrow,
Bro. David