"The Drive Thru Lane" By Doug Fincher

If any man hears my voice, I will come in and sup with him...” Rev. 3:20
Come and dine...”  John 21:12

January 30, 2017 - While in Nacogdoches yesterday, I noticed a sign at The Burger King Drive-Thru window that read: “Thank you for Cruising by”.   

And I began thinking how eating habits have changed in my lifetime.  Instead of eating out, we ten children had all our meals around a large table with benches on each side and a nail keg at each end.  We all sat around the table at supper time and enjoyed talking with Daddy at the end of his work day.

And in Jesus’ day, morning and noon meals were light and often eaten “on the go”, but the evening meal was different.  Supper was a time of food and fellowship for all the family.
Dining with Our Father through prayer, meditation, and His Word, is available to all His children.  But many never receive this food....

…Because it’s not served in the Drive Thru Lane.