In God's Word: My Lord, My God

April 20, 2020 - Fear is a common thread throughout the world today. 

Fear of the unknown and fear of the known. Fear of man and fear of disease, fear of all things that may cause harm.

However, for those who love the Lord there is no need for fear, in fact we are instructed not to fear.

Does this mean that for those who love God that nothing will ever happen or that they will never experience harm? No, it means that no matter what does happen that all who do love the Lord are to be safe and secure in his house forever.

Even if the world takes our lives, it does not matter for the Lord has saved our souls, our physical bodies do not matter, what matters is that our souls, our spirits are to be forever with the Lord.

In the Bible we find what is known as the "Greatest Commandment," and on this all other commandments depend.

When asked by the Pharisees which was the greatest in the law of Moses Jesus answered, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:37-39)

"On These two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets." (Matthew 22:40)

The Law and the Prophets that Jesus is speaking is the Scriptures that we know today as the Old Testament, so to love the Lord your God is the most important thing one can do in this world today.

And to love your neighbor as yourself is what keeps conflict and strife to a minimum, a much needed attribute in this world we live in.

As for the importance of your love for him, to God, listen to what he tells all who would love him about his love for us.

"Fear not for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." (Isaiah 41:10)

What does he say? He plainly tells us, those who love him, "FEAR NOT." 

Now why would he say this? For he is with us, no matter the place nor the situation, GOD is with those who love him.

He says, "BE NOT DISMAYED," why would he say this? For he is not only with us, he is our GOD. OUR GOD, not some unknown or strange god but our GOD. 

How wonderful can it be to know that one has his very own GOD that watches over him and protects him and cares for him every day? 

As a child of the MOST HIGH GOD I can tell you that the joy and the peace that I received when I accepted him as my GOD is like nothing of this world. There is no joy or peace like that one experiences while living in the Lord.

God made us so he knows just how weak we humans are and he offers, "I WILL STRENGTHEN YOU," he gives us the strength we need to face the world and its evils.

"I WILL HELP YOU," yes, he helps us through the struggles of this life, by his Holy Spirit, whom he has called our "HELPER" he leads us through the minefields of the world around us.

And his greatest promise for help, "I WILL UPHOLD YOU WITH MY RIGHTEOUS RIGHT HAND".

How one may ask do you know these things for certain?

Because when I was lost, drifting through the world on my own, or so I thought, the Lord called me to him, I answered his call and he answered my plea for help, for salvation.

"I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears." (Psalm 34:4)

Yes, the Lord my GOD delivered me from all fear. 

I do not expect him to protect me from all evils, no, but I do know that he has assured me that I will dwell in his house forever and so I need not fear anything this world may do to me. 

For the most it can do is to kill my mortal body which will send my soul, my spirit, directly to my home in heaven.

May the name of my GOD be forever blessed and may all people come to know him as I know him. Blessed be the name of my LORD, my GOD...